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We have been learning that disciples of Jesus are dependent on and devoted to Jesus. We also see that disciples take their next steps in Christ's way TOGETHER. But how do we express our dependence on Jesus together? The pattern of the early church makes it clear that we do it by PRAYING TOGETHER.

As we start the new year considering ways God wants us to take our next steps as disciples, we want to start in a posture of prayer.


Our vision for January and February is that we would learn to support one another by praying together on the path of discipleship.


This will be seen as we embrace three goals set by our elders:

  • Prayer is the common "First Response" in our times of fellowship - Stop, Drop, and Pray TOGETHER. (One-on-One)

  • Each Gospel Community experiences full participation in the practice of Spirit-led, Scripture-fed, Worship-Based prayer in the pattern Jesus taught us. (Gospel Communities)

  • Engaged, expectant prayer TOGETHER marks every activity at Oak Hill. (Whole Church Prayer)

The Way of Prayer 02.28.2021
The Way of Prayer 02.21.2021
The Way of Prayer 02.14.2021
The Way of Prayer 02.07.2021
The Way of Prayer 01.31.2021
the Way of Prayer 01.24.2021
The Way of Prayer 01.17.2021


The Way of Prayer

The Way of Prayer

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Reading plan

This 6-week reading plan is designed to prepare you for the sermon each Sunday. Each week contains 5 days of readings with a central scripture passage to study. I pray these scriptures and readings will be as helpful to you as they have been to me as you seek the joy of abiding in Christ.

Image by Ren Ran
Praying Together: The Priority and Privilege of Prayer: In Our Homes, Communities, and Churches

Megan Hill

Nearly all Christians would affirm the centrality of prayer for a healthy Christian life. And yet, for many, prayer is often a challenge, requiring intense personal commitment and self-discipline. However, as Megan Hill points out in Praying Together, our normal approach to prayer leaves out a crucial component: other people. While personal prayer is important, God designed the church to be a community of believers who regularly pray together. Exploring the Bible’s rich teaching on what it means to gather at God’s throne with one voice, Hill lays a theological foundation for corporate prayer and offers practical guidance for making it a reality―in our families, churches, and communities.

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