This Summer, Oak Hill will be hosting a “Ministry of the Word Cohort” designed to equip disciple-makers in word-based ministry. We have designed two tracks of study based on the type of word ministry in which you hope to be most engaged – preaching or personal word ministry. Both tracks will include immersion in the Messianic Psalms, learning and employing specific study techniques to understand the author’s intended purpose and to faithfully apply the text to situations today.
TRACK 1 – Preaching
Track 1 is for those who desire to grow in preaching a text of scripture to a larger group of people. Because we only have one venue for this type of ministry at Oak Hill – the Sunday morning sermon – this track will only be available to men. A group of men selected and approved by the elders will be given the opportunity to preach on a Sunday this summer. Other men who will not preach can also participate in this track to work toward that goal.
TRACK 2 – Personal Word Ministry
Track 2 is for those who desire to use the word in other formal or informal interpersonal settings (biblical counseling, biblical friendships, discipleship, smaller Bible studies, evangelistic settings, etc.). This track is open to both men and women. Participants will use the same Psalms and study process as the preaching track, but instead of creating a preaching outline and sermon applications at the end, they will be encouraged to apply their assigned Psalm to a few different real-life situations they have encountered, and to a case study that is assigned to them.
Cohort Expectations:
In preparation for the cohort, track 1 participants are encouraged to read or listen to Expositional Preaching by David Helm, while track 2 participants are encouraged to read or listen to Crosstalk by Mike Emlet prior to our first meeting on June 1, as well as review relevant topics from this introduction to the Psalms. We ask that you purchase the required book on your own and/or access it in Audiobook form on your favorite source for those books (both are available on Hoopla). We will also have one or two copies of each book in the church library.
Each participant will be assigned a Psalm to study using an adapted version of the Charles Simeon Trust worksheet. On the assigned date, they will present their worksheet to those in their track and receive encouraging, constructive feedback. On nights they are not presenting, they will play the valuable role of giving edifying feedback to others. All participants are asked to watch the Ministry of the Word Cohort videos for 2024 as they work through their study. We also ask that participants prioritize the majority of the cohort gatherings to maximize the small group discussions.
7:30-9:00 AM - June 1
6:30-8:00 PM - June 18*
7:30-9:00 AM - June 29
7:30-9:00 AM - July 13
7:30-9:00 AM - July 27
7:30-9:00 AM - August 10
* Due to elder planning weekend the 2nd workshop will be held on Tuesday, June 18th