Oak Hill
"Authentically Redeemed On Mission Always"
AROMA is a women’s group focused on equipping women to be the "aroma of Christ" everywhere.
At Oak Hill, we understand the importance of building a community of women who can express their faith in Jesus together with other women in the church while reaching and loving women who are unchurched or unbelieving. We strive to foster that encouragement and serve the community through our Care Connect opportunities. We hope women continue to grow in loving God and loving others by participating in our bi-weekly gatherings and serving needs in the community as they arise.
You can check out what we are currently studying below. Contact Mel Mohler (mel@oakhillfellowship.com) for any questions you may have. We would love to have you join us at our next meeting!
Aroma Bible Study
Inviting all women to join us to reconnect, form new friendships and fellowship as we study Women in the Bible!
January 17
January 31
February 14
February 28
March 13
March 27
April 10
Saturday, April 27: Plant-A-Pot Event
May 8
May 22
Care Connect
Reaching & loving others to the glory of God
Contact Mel if you would like to learn more about specific opportunities of 1:1 Care in the community. Care typically involves work such as cleaning, laundry, transportation, visitation, grocery delivery, etc…We will work with you to match you with an appropriate care connection.