Christmas: Advent Series
Most of us have probably heard the titles “King of kings” and Lord of lords” used of Jesus. They describe the supremacy and majesty of Jesus above all rulers of the earth. But have you ever thought of Jesus as “the Shepherd of shepherds?”
After foretelling the birth of the Messiah in Bethlehem, the prophet Micah described the Promised Anointed Savior King in this way:
“And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God. And they shall dwell secure, for now he shall be great to the ends of the earth. And he shall be their peace.” (Micah 5:4–5, ESV)
Micah is describing Jesus in the language of Psalm 23. The baby in the manger is not only the King of kings, he is the Shepherd of shepherds - the LORD who is my shepherd.
It is not inconsequential then that this Shepherd who was born in the little town of Bethlehem revealed himself to a group of literal sheep-herders who tended to the flocks destined to be sacrificial Passover lambs. Shepherds know what it is like to provide for sheep who are unaware of what they truly need. Shepherds have experience in getting their hands dirty to protect the helpless ones in their care. Shepherds know what it is like to be despised and rejected while providing the sin-sacrifice for God’s people. Those shepherds of Bethlehem needed The Shepherd of Psalm 23.
This Christmas, as you shepherd others toward Jesus (i.e. make disciples), take time with us to be refreshed by the Lord who is your shepherd. Receive his rest and protection. Feast on his goodness and mercy. Rejoice in the good news that the Shepherd of shepherds has come!
Series Timeline
Ps. 23:1-3 (also Micah 5:2-5a, Lk. 2:1-7)
Ps. 23:4 (also Lk. 1:67-80, esp. v 77-79; Matt. 2:13-18)
Ps. 23:5-6 (also Lk. 1:46-55, esp v. 51-55)
Luke 2:8-14
Luke 2:15-20
"The Shepherd's Rest"
"The Shepherd's Presence"
"The Shepherd's Feast"
"Good News for Lowly Shepherds"
"Christmas Eve Candlelight Service"
Advent Resources
Copyright for webpage background photo: "A shepherd tends to his flock on the hills outside of Bethlehem:" By: Cary Enterline January 11, 2021; https://www.imb.org/photos/image/07350jv0309/a-shepherd-tends-to-his-flock-on-the-hills-outside-of-bethlehem/