Jesus has invited us to abide in him as he abides in us. This can feel like an abstract thought that we hear and move on from because we don’t know what it means. If we do that, we miss out on so much rich truth and the very essence of the Christian life. To abide in Christ is simply this:
Remaining in constant awareness of, connection to, and dependence on the power and presence of our loving Savior.
It is our prayer that you would more fully embrace Christ’s invitation to abide as we begin this year and that these resources would serve you as we pursue this theme together.
Reading Plan
This 5-week reading plan is designed to prepare you for the sermon each Sunday. Each week contains 5 days of readings with a central scripture passage to study. I pray these scriptures and readings will be as helpful to you as they have been to me as you seek the joy of abiding in Christ.